Grundtvig og folkehøjskolen i dag: Debatindlæg fra tre yngre Grundtvig-forskere om den grundtvigske arv i højskoledebatten i begyndelsen a f2004. Bidragene stammer fra et fyraftensmøde i Højskolernes Hus, Nytorv, København[Grundtvig and the Folk-Highschool today: Contributions to a Debate from three younger Grundtvig- Scholars, in Connection with the national Debate upon the Grundtvig-Legacy in the Folk-Highschool early in 2004. The Contributions stem from an Evening Meeting in Højskolernes Hus, Nytorv, Copenhagen]By Henrik Wigh-Poulsen, Jes Fabricius Møller and Kim Arne PedersenHenrik Wigh-Poulsen (Grundtvig Academy) sketches out the way in which the Grundtvig legacy, having at first been a force for religious and political transformation,...